唐太宗時僧人沙門彥著有《後畫錄》,評點畫家的方法,基本沿襲謝赫、姚最。《後畫錄》收錄二十七位畫家,是他“觀在京名跡”後,品弟優劣差降而寫成,自稱“帝京寺錄”。象、形、神仍是他評畫的基本概念和標準。在評論鄭法士時說:“取法張公,備該萬物”。評隋江志:“筆力勁健,風神頓爽。模山擬水,得其真體。”評劉褒:“鳥雀其變,誠為酷似。”評張孝師:“象制有功,雲為盡善。”評曹參軍李湊:“揮毫造化,動筆合真。”評展子虔:“觸物為情,備該絕妙。尤善樓閣,人馬亦長。遠近山川,咫尺千裏”。彥說他的此文是“帝京寺錄”,也就是他在長安觀察寺廟壁畫後加以評品而寫成。所涉及的內容有人物畫,山水畫和花鳥畫,他評論這些畫家和作品時,將備該萬物、模山擬水、象制、合真,酷似作為重要標準,此外他還提出“心師造化”“靈心自悟”“揮毫造化,動筆合真”的觀點,說明唐代畫評家,在講究酷似、象形的同時,已認識到主觀心靈的特殊作用,心師造化、靈心自悟,即在師造化的過程中還要充分發揮畫家的心靈感悟作用,而不是簡單地模擬自然,心師造化提示了繪畫創作中主客體統一、情景互滲的規律,只有這樣,才能“揮毫造化,動筆合真”。所謂“合真”已不是表面的相似對象,而是內在的本質的切合,亦即創作出符合對象本質特徵的繪畫形象,這種形象乃所謂“真體”。後來張 談繪畫創作時總結出“外師造化、中得心源”的規律,是對彥 “心師造化”論的進一步闡釋。從東晉到南朝的形與神問題,發展到唐代,提出造化與心源的關系問題,是中國繪畫美學的一大進步。形與神的問題,主要集中在被描繪的人物形象的外形與內神問題上,而造化與心源則主要談的是客觀對象與畫家主體精神的關系問題,“心師造化”的提出,說明畫家主體意識在增強。
Zhuangzi in this question is that a person's behavior and expression of other internal and external, real, including those who, God moving on the outside, it really expensive. If a person is strong cry, strong anger, strong pro-Although there crying, anger, pro-foreign minister revealed, but not the heartfelt emotion, so it is different inside and outside, but an illusion that people can see through one. The one person who really have a sad heart, anger, pro-emotions, that he would silent and sad, no hair and the wai, did not laugh and instead, which is really moving on the outside, including the gods, and such real emotion is a natural is not easy and can not pretend, is subject to in the days, so "law days really expensive," said Chuang Tzu days, that is a natural nature. At this point, Chuang-tzu, though not in the commentary paintings, but rather on the true account of God moving on the outside of thought, no doubt very suitable for art criticism, inspired by artists can not be based solely on appearance To characterize the ultimate goal, but rather descriptions of the same shape within the unity of truth and spirited performance.
Han Liu in the "Huai Nan Zi" twice to the painting on the shape and internal mental problems. One said: "The moon's light, you can afar and can not be fine book; very fog of North Korea, the book can be thin and can not be afar. Unusual, the artists would like to lose hair and appearance, shot by a small instrument is survived it. "(" Huai Nan Zi Lin Xun said, "), he tells us that there is something that can be sights, there is something that can only be fine book, the painter if only partial details of the carefully described, it is possible to grasp the overall appearance and posture do not live, like shooter pay attention only to a certain point of the target regardless of large spheres. At this point, "Huai Nan Zi" requirement that local artists not only to the details of the shape of realism, but also to command the entire image of the appearance and potential. "Huainanzi said Hill Training" and added: "When a painting beauty of face, beauty can not be said; regulation Meng Ben's eyes, big but not terrible. Yan Jun-shaped perish." This is even more clear that, if the artist only to draw attention to the appearance of China and the United States, and Meng Xi Shi Ben's eyes are not enough large, because China and the United States, but not a pleasant appearance (ie Yuet said), the eyes large but not awe-inspiring Christians, why is it so? "Jun-shaped perish." Is the only true and vivid in appearance and no, shape of a shell, although the gorgeous how can actually touching it? Clearly in the Han dynasty, "Huai Nan Zi" has made it clear to the shape of unity with the vivid paintings as the assessment criteria, although not the use of "conveying the spirit" which "truth" of the words, but their performance does not mean lifelike appearance alone as a the sole criterion for evaluation painting. "Huainanzi? Yuan Dao training "was also clearly advocated should be based on God-based, so shaped to facilitate, if we form the system (command), put God into a subordinate position, then" God and thus harm. " This shows that in the Han dynasty, to shape the relationship between God already has a deeper understanding of, in addition to the Han Dynasty philosopher, writer Yang Xiong, the languages and gives a deep understanding of: "it is words and voice of him; book, pictures of the heart also. sound and picture form, a gentleman villain see the carry on. sound of painters, a gentleman villain reason for emotional or Down? "(" Yang Tzu-Fa Yan asked God "), Yang Xiong that the statement was" physiognomy of speech "in which people communicate with thinking tools, the book is able to "remember a long time Mingyuan," world affairs can be recorded. Introduction and the nature of the book are the heart's performance is the voice of words, the book is the pictures of the heart. The so-called sound and picture form, that is, to express things with words and books, all kinds of people can see out, because articulate voice, the book table pictures of the heart, they are able to move the gentleman's real love bad people. Introduction and books as the voice of pictures of the heart of this view is certainly enlightening after the Han dynasty painter and critic can not simply be outside the picture as the image of objects, but should be deep into the shape of spiritual be recognized.
To the Eastern Jin Dynasty Gu Kaizhi, he himself is a well-known painter, but also to carry out painting theory with creative practice, research, and drawing reviews. His words about painting theory, in Liu Yiqing book, "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" and save the two, there were three papers were included in the Tang Dynasty Zhang Yan Yuan's "Chronicles painting in mind" and can be spread. This three articles "On Painting" "Painting Chan Wei, Jin-Sheng stream" "Painting Yuntaishan mind." Zhang Yan Yuan in the "Chronicles painting in mind," said Gu Kaizhi "multi-talent, especially workers Danqing, Chuan-write the situation, did not dare Miaojue." Speaking of the article Gu Kaizhi time "painting the Wei, Jin Ming Chen praise to assess the many. Have a theory of art, all-mode to write to the Law." However, in both text copying, it will be to assess one of many text Title written "On Painting", but will not have any assessment of the Wei-Jin painters, but only the painting to France in a purely theoretical articles described as "Wei-Jin wins praise stream paintings," Zhang Yan was far from clear distinction should be, perhaps in a later pass printed text will be the subject of two reversed. Today, we are still the subject according to the article content will be restored soon comment on the Wei-Jin paintings of a man entitled to restore the "flow of art Chan Wei, Jin-Sheng", will comment on the painting method reduced to a text entitled "On Painting."
"On Painting" a text, Gu Kaizhi that "in order to form to write God" point of view, in order to form to write God into the creation and criticism of Chinese painting was an important principle of art. "On Painting" a main thrust of the text is "Where will ġ who are seeking for this to be at the head and then times to being to." He said, "ġ" that painting, mold to write characters, "first look for this to be" refers to the full text of the theory of are the painting to France or basic method, that is, first master the basic methods paintings depict figures, and then will it be possible to talk about the other. "On Painting" Last paragraph:
People have the length of this set distance to stare the right, will not be allowed to promote wide Gaiyi, Gao Xia is also misplaced.Where strangers, dead eyes, as there are hand-Yi death of the former right person. In order to write God-shaped blank in fact, Tsuen Health use well-behaved, expressive of the increasingly lost carry on. Air actually was big mistake, right instead of the regular small loss, must be aware of also. The next one, like ignorance, not as Gordon also speaks of the right. [5]
Gu Kaizhi we have to carefully understand the intent of this section, "On Painting" is full of talk about how to depict objects, requires very careful, if the text of the Central cautioned painters, painting neck above, "rather than late-jun, not so much and any errors, "because over the head and neck, to slowly fine paintings, can not have room for error. "If the length, just soft, depth, Guang Xia and the eye-dotting ceremony of the festival, from top to bottom, size, thick thin, there is a small loss of every dollar, then the air of loss associated with it carry on." At this point, Gu Kaizhi painted figures on the proportion of use Rigid pens, colors, shades are all made detailed requirements of every dollar of each local small loss, can lead to damage to an air of character. "Everyone has the length of this set distance to stare the right, will not be allowed to promote wide Gaiyi, Gao Xia is also misplaced." Painter, according to people in the frame of the length of the fixed distance, which can not be arbitrarily changed to promote Gaoxia wide. "Where strangers, death has hand-eye as the Ibo of the former by those who die." That is life, and no hand over hand salute nothing depending on the object surface, that is, people's eyes and movements are related to the situation surrounding the . "To write God-shaped blank in fact, Tsuen Health use well-behaved, expressive of the increasingly lost carry on." In fact, the so-called empty large painting pair is missing a big mistake to write God-shaped space in fact what does that mean? Artists use in order to form God's method of writing was originally very good, but the air actually is wrong, and air in fact is a distortion of the object, painting the characters shaped and God incompatible with the object, or painting in order to shape writing God, the God-shaped figure posturing, but the situation has nothing to do with performance, the characters an air of no basis for air Chen shape, which is empty in fact right. "Route of Health use good", Tsuen is Quan, Quan is a fishing tool, "Zhuang Zi" yes "Peter's fish forgot Quan", "seeing nothing like the" theory. "Route of Health" that is used to characterize the characters (raw or strangers living the life of the people) of the methods, tools, that is painting, "with good" that is an error to use, this portrayal of the role of the disappeared. The whole sentence means is to use the wrong way to write God with form, but in fact distort the object, there is no real basis, so vivid the effects also of reach. "Air actually was big mistake, right instead of being lost is a small, non-small-police people." Distortion of objects or non-empty, Chen-shaped base is a big mistake, but to seize the object profiles are inaccurate in some places there is a small mistake. "The next one, like ignorance, is not as Wu-right of the truly inspired of it." Ming Mei is the people's wisdom and the ignorant. Bao Zhao a poem that goes: "Appearance is not years, also, the body realize profits break. Zhi Zai number of disabilities, eye grounds identified ignorant." "One, like the Ming Mei," that is the image painted by the performance of smart or dull, "not as Wu-right of the truly inspired", that person interested in the performance of the wisdom or the fools of the gesture, not as good as a deep understanding of objects, with supernatural powers, and then out of its spirited performance.
Gu Kaizhi "On Painting" the text of, talking about "fortune" Ju loss, "to form writing God", "understand that the right of the truly inspired", three references to God, the so-called "fortune" "writing of God" "speaks "are painted in the shape of the high demand characters. Performance figures have been mentioned objects God demands a very high up. "To form writing God" will ġ shaped as a means of painting or preliminary requirements of the form to write God (the performance of an air) is the purpose of painting or higher requirements.
Gu Kaizhi combination of his experience, recognizing the importance of lifelike. He Peikai portraits, plus three out of thin air on the face hair, "If the gods", that is a better performance in spirited characters. "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" the painter, he recorded a few years do not point mesh eyes, the reason is to draw the eyes of the most important, so very carefully, "4 body Yan Chi, this has nothing to do beauty: vivid portrayal, is in the A block." "Tai Ping Yu Lan," Juan Qi and two cited "saying" is: "Gu Hu Wei Ren painted fan header for Ji, Ruan, but do not point the eyes, saying: 'point eye Pianyu language'." "Qiao Shi Shuo Xin Yu Yi," records, Gu Kang Road Painting: "hand-Hui Wu Xian Yi, watched Guihong difficult." "Book of Jin Gu Kaizhi Biography": "Kai's re-Ji Kang four words of each poem, because the map." "Selected Works of Ji Shu Ye" gift scholar into the army poem "": "watched Guihong, waved Wu Xian, pitch contented, You Xin Tai Xuan. "According to Ji Kang Gu Kaizhi four poems in this painting, so it is" hand-Hui Wu Xian Yi, watched Guihong difficult "experience. Why is hand-painted scrolls Wu Xian Yi, while the painting watched Guihong difficult it? That is because hand-Hui Wu Xian is the painting of specific character animations, graphics easily and watched Guihong, they have an air of the performance of complex characters and moods, nothing care to follow, even for hard. Hand Hui Wu Xian is the graphics, watched Guihong is a vivid, the latter than the former difficult, more demanding.
Shape and the concept of God, in the Eastern Jin Dynasty algae products are also used to figure, and that the eye relates to the gods. "Shi Shuo Xin Yu Yin-yuan," said: "Wang Shang taste to see Ms. Wang Youjun, asked: 'eyes and ears did not feel bad not?' Answer was: 'whitish teeth down, is a peace Xinghai; As for the eyes and ears is related to the gods , then we have been liaising with people across'? "In this Xinghai and very clear distinction between the gods. Eastern Jin Dynasty monk Huiyuan was subtlety of God explained: "When a man of God by Dr Evil! Fine but for the Spirit who is also a very, very fine while the non-Guaxiang of the map, it is sage to wonderful things and for the statement, although Sophia , I still can not determine its body shape, study of its secluded letter. "(" All Jin-wen "Volume 161) that God is doing wonderful unknown, a sense of moving objects, the number of false deeds. Huiyuan added: "is aware of in order to feelings of God in order to pass; love for the Mother of God for the love of the root, the situation there will be things of the Tao, God has the power transfer offerings." Huiyuan's explanation of God by the impact of Buddhism, he also spoke of "God-shaped Ju-oriented, from the days of this," "Fire in the salary mass, I can still pass in the form of God." The Eastern Jin Dynasty Buddhist concept of a God-shaped discussed important issues. It is in the Wei-Jin characters using shape Kamijina algae (such as "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" and "Divine smooth idle," "fortune-ho on the" "grace of God Appearance" "Shen Zi Feng-ying" "deities cute") and Buddhism in the Eastern Jin Dynasty deification of the shape Communication Problems in the context of Gu Kaizhi combination of painting practice, and developed his God-shaped art.
Gu Kaizhi the use of "vivid portrayal of" "in order to form writing God" concept in the subsequent criticism of Chinese painting is widely used as an important assessment of the art of Chinese painting standards. "Conveying the spirit" "portrait," with the Buddhist theory, although related, but by Gu Kaizhi transform into paintings comment on nomenclature. Huiyuan has talked about "God in order of Biography", "conveying the spirit of God," and "God's Biography in the form", speak mainly of Buddhist life and death in the transmission, focusing on God pass. Gu Kaizhi talking about the painting by making the characters to convey the spirit of people love to adopt, focusing on expressive. "Portrait" theory begins Gu Kaizhi. Mentioned previously, when drawing characters, multi-use "picture of its form" ( "Historical Records" magic emanation Variorum quoted Liu Xiang Pei, "Do not record"), "write the image" ( "Book of zhushu"), "Law as having" ( "Han? Su Wu Chuan"), "to write out its like" ( "Emmanuel Lu Dian Fu"). "Writing" also means "painting", write its image is painted its image. "According to" is also a Buddhist in the language, according to SG outside, "Nirvana unknown" theory, said: "Three mirror on the inside, God light in the office" ( "full Jin-wen" Volume 165), according to a "The poor are secluded lessons of" wisdom, is a SG gods outside the photo. Gu Kaizhi with depiction of the word, on the one hand, as the meaning of graphic writing, along with the spirit of the meaning of lighting, that draw the characters with the spirit of the characteristics of spiritual wisdom. So portrayal shape more than to write the word rich content.
Following the Eastern Jin Dynasty Gu Kaizhi "Wei-Jin-Sheng flow painting praise", the to the Southern Dynasties, independent of the paintings (painting tasting) work has begun to emerge. Southern Qi Sheikh's "principles of Chinese painting" (formerly known as possible for "paintings"), Southern Chen Yao most of the "Continuation of paintings" are two important paintings comment on books, Sheikh painting because of the legal foundation for the book made far-reaching impact, Yao the best "post-paintings" is followed by Sheikh's "paintings" The next comment. In these two works, the elephant, shaped the concept of God has been initially used.
Sheikh on the evaluation of Gu Kaizhi not very high, the Advisory Board on the third product the second person. Reviews as follows: "cell body microscopic, non-pens to jump; but do not trace the cause of Italy, and sound over a matter of fact." Exploration of the right land is very worship, reviews as: "poor reason to make sex, never made something like. Packet after pre-pregnancy , ancient and modern independence. "will land as on the top grade, not enough for standard 1st Qu. Sheikh made no reference to, and borrowed a Gu Kaizhi order form to write about God, vivid portrayal of terms such as criticism, but the object, shaped the concept of God, when tasting a painter, was often used. And the "Six" has a law "should be pictographic things." We can see that the shape of the problem is sufficient attention.
"Principles of Chinese painting," In commenting on Zhang Mo, Xun Xu said: "If you take the elephant, the parties disgust Gao Yu, can be described as delicate of it." Believe that if the arrest of two artists with physical objects, then no essence, if the signs of taking things, then can be described as subtle. Therefore, painting can not be bound by an object, but should be taken from outside like. Gu Jun at the time of assessment, Sheikh that he would like to thin microscopic, there is the past philosophy, he was the first person painting cicada bird, its style is a rather meticulous, "while only changing the ancient and modern, Fu-color system, shape, both delightful innovations." Gu Jun of the system can assign color-shaped, microscopic detail at the same time would like to be able to both innovation in Italy, an exercise is not easy, they have been the first person listed as the second product.
Sheikh for some in the figure, shaped in a weaker system, but in some characteristics of charm in a painter, but also positive in the affirmative. Such as the Guardian Society, "not necessarily to the prepared form Miao, drew much Zhuang gas, Ling across the pack, Kuang-generation must pen." Although the shape of co-Wei Miao appear in Lueqian, but drew much Zhuang gas, is painting the spirit of full, there is Haozhuang of tolerance, must still Kuang on behalf of the pen, belong to the first product.Comments Yuan luxuriant growth of bamboo, said, "The Elephant Man's wonderful, and Asian-American worthies", while those with less symbolism than the worthies, but its artistic achievement should still be affirmed, "Ran, and bi micro-jade Qi demoted 10 of the price for the city!" Emperor Ming of Jin Dynasty in the evaluation, said: "Although a little on the form, color, drew much spirited. handwriting beyond, there are wonders." This shows that although the assessment form, color painting of the basic standards, but not the only standard, expressive also very important. Jin Emperor Ming's paintings form, color Lueqian, but the air of drew much, so there are wonders, works are also not bad.
Yao of the most in the "renewal of painting materials" further the use of elephants, and shaped the concept of God involved drawing comments, the comments of his self Sheikh after 20, another right Gu Kaizhi re-evaluation. His use of "Elephant Man" concept to evaluate the Emperor Yuan of Liang Xiao Yi, saying that young Emperor Yuan of Liang intrinsic Sheng Zhi, academics, sexual forms of nature in mind. "Wang Yu Elephant Man, special make marvelous, mind-min hand movement, without point rule." Xiao Yi can face of nature in that the intention to observe the natural scenery, "the event of material aid cents, rash scared away", depicts the natural things, there is a high skills, portrayal of characters, "Wang Yu Elephant Man, special do's alone "to write good characters die, in particular, conveys the character charm. Therefore, the Elephant Man, Xiao Yi's alone became paintings characteristics. Sheikh, in assessing when to focus on his character model was a very delicate features must be commended. "Maung to write characters, not once the right to see. The required list, then go speak pen. Point brush research essence, aimed at cutting seems. Japan would like to lose, are all non-missing. Li Liang makeup services at any time changes that. Straight brow Qu temples, with new things. Do not body subtle, more self-Hyuk beginning ... ... ZTE later, Mo, and The Elephant Man. "description Sheikh fine handwriting, Maung written characters, designed to resemble an object, although the Sheikh's works in poor areas Qiyun Wizard vivid's caused a little son, but "The Elephant Man Mo and" many people imitate his style, "commissioned by the end of Lane are all class effect frown." Thus, the legal foundation for Sheikh While the development of painting will be placed on vivid Qiyun first, but his paintings to emphasize things like the human form. Yao Zhang Sengyao most in assessing when to say "North Korea clothes wild clothes, Heritage and losing. Odd-shaped different appearance, Shu Fang Yi Xia, actual parameters of its wonderful." Saints that he painted people, "small lack fortune-oriented", but this is minor defects should not be too demanding, "how can they seek in a prepared people." Description Yao best artists in the evaluation, the right-Sheikh, Zhang Sengyao such a great painter, both point out their weaknesses and do not demand perfection, will Qiyun, lively, spirited, as an artistic standard, but nevertheless Lueqian, while in the elephant who have special achievements in appearance and material should be fully affirmed. Yao of the most in the use of shape, God standard, can be said that the commentary painting operations have flexibility in both principle.
In the Tang Dynasty, due to the increasing prosperity of painting, drawing reviews and theoretical research in greater depth. On the one hand is still inherit Gu Kaizhi and Sheikh, Yao sub-painter of the most special assessment, that is, a person or two a tradition of commentary, such as the yen's "recorded after the painting," On the other hand also appeared as a special article on the painting Bai Ju-yi's " painting in mind, "Zhang Yan Yuan's" Chronicles painting in mind. " In the pre-Qin and Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties have been established such as, Italy, shaped the concept of God in the Tang Dynasty paintings to be used for further evaluation in the same time, to explore these concepts and their relationships there are new developments.
When the monk Tang Taizong Salmonella Yan of "recorded after the painting," Comment on the artist's methods, basically followed the Sheikh, Yao best. "After the painting was recorded," included 27 artists, is his "concept in Jing-track", the product down and the younger brother of pros and cons of poor languages, self-styled "Royal Plaza Temple record." Elephant, shape, God is still the basic concept of his painting assessment and standards. Commenting on Mr France Chevalier said: "The device originates furtherance, maintenance of the things." Comments Sui Jiang Zhi: "vigor Jin Jian, Fengshen Dayton cool. Die mountains to be water, and obtain its real body." Rating Liu praise: "bird of its change, sincere to resemble." Rating ZHANG Xiao-Shi: "like a system of merit, cloud to do good. "commentary to join the army, Cao Li Minato:" brush with good fortune, really write together. "rating Zhan Ziqian:" Subject matter of conditions, maintenance of the wonderful. Youshan pavilion, Sagittarius is also long. far and near rivers and mountains close by home thousands of miles. " Yan said that his paper is a "Royal Plaza Temple, Lu", that is, in the Chang-an observation that he be assessed after the temple murals and written materials. The content covered in figure painting, landscape painting, and flower, his comment on these artists and their works, it will be prepared in the creation, mold mountains to be water, such as system, together true, resemble as an important standard, In addition, he also raised the "heart of nature in "" Zi Wu Ling Heart "" brush with good fortune, write together true "point of view, indicating the Tang Dynasty art critic, in the stress resembles, symbolism at the same time, has recognized the special role of the subjective mind, the heart of nature in the spiritual heart Ziwu , that is, good fortune in the process at the division also give full play to the role of the artist's spiritual insights, rather than simply to simulate the natural heart of nature in painting suggests the unity of subject and object creation, scenarios Infiltration of the law the only way to "brush good fortune , write together really. "The so-called "All truth" is not similar to the surface of an object, but in line with the nature of the inner, which is in line with the object to create the essential characteristic of painting the image, this image is the so-called "truth body." Later, Zhang When you talk about painting concludes that "teacher and good fortune, the heart was the source," the law is a Yan "Heart of nature in" On the further explanation. From the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the Southern question of form and spirit, developed to the Tang Dynasty, made the relationship between the source of good fortune with heart problems, aesthetics of Chinese painting is a big step forward. Shape and God's problems, mainly concentrated in the characters being portrayed in the shape and the question of God, but good luck with the heart the source is mainly talking about is the main objective and the spirit of the object and the artist relations, "heart of nature in" the proposed Description painter subjective consciousness is growing.
The famous Tang Dynasty poet, in order to record an over 20-year-old young artists Dun-Jane's painting, "those who fear the future, missing the pass" and to "remember painting" a text, the requirement is Sadamoto nineteen years, that is, AD803Year. Zhang Bai Ju-yi-axis shows the ten paintings, the content landscape, turquoise, rainbow clouds, birds and animals, prostitution music, Chinese insects, domestic animals and so on. "Remember the painting," said:
Chang was days of the child and the heart of the operation, the plot for the line, made for the arts, arts in particular those of their paintings tonight's! Painting impermanence workers to appear for the workers; school impermanence divisions, in order to really serve as a teacher. Therefore, its measures for an Italian, like an object, often transported thinking, with God will, like Yan, if the drive and spirit in the meantime those who served. ... ... Then those who know science in the bone marrow, since the intention is very, engineering Hitoshi luck who come from the days. Zhang, but have in mind, pass in hand, not knowing of its contingent, however, also. If the pen to the essence of the Anglo-Chinese, saying that the Lvduo interest, for non-painting and his ilk are not well aware of Ke Deer. This income earners, Danjue its true shape, round, God and the whole, Bing Ran is like, such as for figure just before the ear. [7]
Po Chu-i would like to propose "paintings impermanence workers to appear for the workers; school impermanence divisions, in order to really serve as a teacher." To be with the real painting, as painting and learning the basic requirements. He believes that learning to paint the one hand, the bone marrow(That is the essence)Who, since the intention is too, that reason should be carefully realized that painting the other hand, Po Chu-i also believe that the good fortune to work Mou, from days and years, that were founded with good fortune, natural to, without polish. Dun-Jane's paintings can be had in mind, pass in hand, not knowing of its contingent, however, also. Zhang Mou good fortune to work, but also God will Xinling, so when you are painting can be handy, I wonder, however, ran. Bai Ju-yi praised Zhang's work, "True-shaped, round, God and the whole" perfected. "Form true", "God and" is the Po Chu-i comment on paintings to the good standards. If the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties, when commenting on paintings, mainly based on The Elephant Man, like objects, pictographic, or the shape of a standard to measure the image of the work, focusing on works and the very image of the object level, then true for the division Ze Yi Tang and Five Dynasties using shape the concept of truth to demand work, the image of both the shape and the persons or things similar to, while also coincide with the nature of the object, so as to achieve "authentic." Therefore, from the "shape" to "true form" concept of development, reflecting the changes in aesthetics Jin and Tang Dynasties, as well as the deepening of understanding of things. Five Dynasties, Jing Hao, "strokes in mind" and spoke of the Taihang Mountains with Hong Gu, during which several acres of fields, he often "eat till Fall," observed old pines in the mountains, "where tens of thousands of copies as its true side," pine No. over tens of thousands of this, although this is probably a few shows he is observing and sketching the ground, "party know-true", had passed to achieve the essential characteristics of the song performance. Jing Hao said the painting "was worth it really was," "degree of physical image, whichever is true", he will appear with the truth made clear distinction between the Chinese and the real things are, should be split between the Chinese and material goods whichever is the fact that if the Directors Huawei real, "Gou like Yes, plans can not be true, and people." So what is like, what is true? "Like those who have lent their gas-shaped leaves really are temperament Ju Sheng." Appearance is just like the image of the so-called similar, but not really grasp the objects with the gas, the so-called temperament Ju Sheng is really, really deep into the inner substance of the image into, and to be performance. Jing Hao, apparently trying to promote by the like into the truth, it really seems expensive, the real painting as a higher standard of performance will be like with the real distinction between the concept and to clarify the relationship between the two, the Chinese painting and art criticism has an important significance.
Tang Yan-Yuan in the "Chronicles painting in mind" in the "On the legal foundation for painting," chapter in the object, shape, discusses the relationship between Italy, but this was also several concepts and moral integrity, a pen together and developed the meaning of these concepts . Zhang Yan as far away as the legal foundation for the theory of painting is mainly talk about the legal foundation for the understanding of the Sheikh. Gu Kaizhi speak to form vivid, Sheikh talk Qiyun vivid, bone France pen, Zhang Yan Gu Kaizhi far put the "god" concept of sacrificing instead of "backbone" concept, obviously is to Sheikh air Lang lively, bone France rubbed into the pen idea. Zhang Yan Yuan, said:
As things must be in shape, the shape to the whole backbone, backbone, shape, both in conception and return peace to this pen, so many good books about art work. [5]