蘇軾關於“論畫以形似,見於兒童鄰;……”一詩,產生極大影響,也引起種種誤解,認為蘇軾要破除形似,不要形似,包括陳師曾等大家都抱此觀點,借蘇軾的文人畫觀來闡釋自己的文人畫思想,對蘇軾的理解上有偏頗之處,這一點阮璞先生已指出。[11] 蘇軾的這首論畫詩為《書鄢陵王主薄所畫折枝二首》,第一首詩主要在論畫,第二首則重在評王主薄的兩幅畫。第一首詩如下:
[1]許慎. 說文解字[M]。北京:中華書局影印,1981. 65. 314。
[2]尚書正義·卷一·尚書序[A]。十三經註疏[C]。 (上)杭州:浙江古籍出版社,1998. 113。
[3]周易正義·系辭下[A]。 十三經註疏[C] 。 (上)杭州:浙江古籍出版社,1998. 82。
[4]唐蘭。古文字學導論[M] 。濟南:齊魯書社,1981. 392-393。
[5]張彥遠。歷代名畫記[A] 。中國書畫全書[C] 。上海:上海書畫出版社,1993. 120. 141. 124. 126。
[7]何吉明。 唐五代畫論[M]。長沙:湖南美術出版社,1997,128-129。
Zhang Yan Yuan adopt progressive methods, layers of depth. Because the most basic features of a picture is to create visual images, to the Elephant Man as the object, so he put "like objects" as a starting point. The basic requirements such as the shape of things, but the shape must not only Pixiang only as a shell, the shape must be filled with a backbone, the so-called backbone is to have intrinsic Qiyun and Gu Li. Backbone and shape come from? Are derived from the conception, conception that is the spirit of the artist's ideas and emotional factors, have a good conception, to make the shape of characters and have the backbone to reach the final analysis, but also have a good pen, a pen or pen force, presentation skills. That is a good intentioned but not vigor of work and technique and it can not convey the contents of conception out of the pen and calligraphy also similarities, such as the artist has accomplished in calligraphy, pen force Jin Jian, then the painting is also the pen force Among them, so work the artists are good book. Zhang Yan far in this discourse, comments and requests for painting Gu Kaizhi more obvious than in the order form to write God a more comprehensive, from the like objects, the shape of said backbone, conception, and a pen, which shows the concept of the Tang Dynasty to be critical new development.
Zhang Yan Yuan, "meaning" issue highlighted, and new insights of his criticism of the theory of a major contribution. Because Gu Kaizhi, who mainly make use of shape, to comment on the concept of God, Zhang Yan far will come to the fore the concept of meaning, enhanced commentary on the artist's awareness of the contents of the main body. In addition to the previous mentioned in Zhang Yan Yuan on the backbone, the shape of all of this in the Legislative accident, also in the use of specific comments on the concept of meaning. If, when talking about paintings, saying that "non-exclusive paintings metamorphosis, there are strange and Italy are also, suppression is also Butsuzo Shu people." Rating Gu Kaizhi said; "Gu Kaizhi of the tracks, Jin stretching tight, circular ultra-suddenly, adjusting grid Yi Yi, wind galvanotaxis disease, meaning deposit pen first, the painting was intended to do, so the whole air of people. "Gu Kaizhi In addition to tight Jin-stretching characteristics of a pen, but also" intended to keep pen the first painting was intended to do, "which Gu Kaizhi is that before the write has been the first good idea, first there is an overall blueprint for painting, in thought or consciousness already exists, and then paint only when the wind galvanotaxis illness, write like a god, at one go, "When a painting is intended to do", that is unfinished works, the painter of the Italian natural images included in the work of the. Zhang Yan-yuan in this creation is intended that the key position in his paintings, play a command role. Wu Daozi in his commentary, also used the word "Italian Pen deposit first, the painting was intended to do," eight words, which shows that Zhang Yan far has preferred issues outstanding achievements as an artist to paint the ordinary laws of time.
Zhang Yan Yuan in the "Chronicles painting in mind" and "On the Gu Lu Zhang Wu a pen," spoke of a two-body density also received mention in "Italian Week" issue, "Italy Week" with "pen Week" corresponds to.
I asked, saying: "When a man who brought deep thought, careful handwriting, the pen is different that's how?" I right reads: "taking care of the god of land can not be reflected in its hope the occasion of the so-called handwriting well also. Zhang Wu's wonderful, pen only one or two, like has to be Yan. away from the Phi stippling, when you see the lack of ups and downs, though the pen is also ill-conceived and intended to weeks. If the known density two body painted before painting peace proposal, or the chin of the away .[5]
Zhang Yan Yuan that Gu Kaizhi, land and Exploration is a careful handwriting dense body, while the Wu Daozi, Zhang Sengyao is the pen only one or two, but as should already Yan, although often lacking and off the screen, which is 2 The beauty, density delivered, less than the Italian pen weeks. Missing off the surface of the screen in some places is really a painter intentionally, these so-called sparse areas, although the pen of the yet to come, but the Italian has come, meaning the cage including all the momentum has been painted, so called "Italian Week." Italian-week problem can be said to be as far away as commentaries Gu Yan-Wu Lu Zhang insights when. "Italy Week" critical theory of the Chinese literati painters of dollars later when white ink, with plenty of space for treatment have a significant impact.
In the Song Dynasty painting full development, characters, landscapes, flowers and birds species of the three paintings have been mature, and folk paintings also appeared in Zhang Zeduan of "Qingming Riverside" This enormous work, meticulous landscapes birds and flowers, and academy reached a peak at the same time literati painting, freehand drawing forming climate, can be said that Song is a great period of Chinese painting. At the same time painting theory, drawing criticism, art history research has also been rapid development, such as Guo Xi's "conception of the pine-induced," Guo Ruoxu's "picture blog seen and heard," Deng Chun's "After painting," Huang Sue-fu's " Yizhou paintings recorded, "Liu Tao alcohol," Sheng Zhao painting commentary, "Mi Fu's" Art History ", as well as official repair of the" propaganda and Hua Pu "(And the "propaganda and books spectrum"), Etc. In addition, Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi and other writer in poetry, literature, the book also engage in art criticism, writing poetry, commentary papers or paintings, elaborate on their concept of artistic thought and criticism. Such as, Italy, shape, criticized the concept of God, etc., in the further discussion of the Song Dynasty, and criticized the practice has been widely used.
Ouyang Xiu is the leader of the Northern Song dynasty literary scene in his painting, with special emphasis on Italy, as well as to express different views on the shape of difficulty.
Since the "Han Feizi" raised difficult to draw a dog horse painting ghosts Yi's argument, it is generally accepted this view, all thought that horse every day because the dog appears in front of the well-known, artists have painted, if a small inaccuracy will see through , but was criticized not see spirits, artists freely painted its image, it will not be accused of not like. "Han Fei Zi" is obviously based on the shape as a standard for ease of painting. Ouyang Xiu, said:
Good words about art, cloudy spirits it easy for workers to that portrait is done with the shape of things difficult. Spirits, people have not seen, ran to their Yin Wei bleak, change superdome and the poor and very strange odd that people never see Noir shock, and Xu may be visual, then the 1000-like 10000 state, the Italian pen simple enough, is it not difficult zai! [8]
In Ouyang Xiu's view, the paintings that change spirits picturesque superdome and the poor very strange odd, or 1000-like 10000 states, is not easy, the problem is to achieve "a brush that simple and intended to foot." At this point, Ouyang said the spirits are also difficult to draw, as measured, has not only the shape of the problem, as well as Yin Wei bleak atmosphere of the background, as well as changes in ultra-teng momentum dynamics, more importantly, still have to "meaning foot," Therefore, evaluation of the shape is just one of the standards of painting, not the only factor. This has been on the "shape of difficult" to challenge the fundamental criterion. In addition to the shape of things, interested in painting foot problems. And Ouyang Xiu and his views are similar to contemporary Dong Jiyou:
Qi easy to know the people and therefore difficult to draw, people know it is difficult to draw easy or not? Dog Ma Xin Yi inspections, ghosts letters difficult to understand, the World there are ethical persons, be aware that the spirits are not different from those of people, and pleasures of the shape, though not exactly have to shape their arguments are false and, nor can be said to work also. Ran the world who see little reason, then what when and painting are on the ropes when zai! [9]
Dong Jiyou clear that even if the painting pleasures, although able to shape, but if not its reasoning, it is not working, nor is it a good painting. Evaluation Criteria for the shape of paintings, there are "reasonable", and the world know how to "reason" so few people know the reasons by people who are different from those who do not know how to draw ghosts, or spirits, but is a human variant, but also not easy to draw. Dong Jiyou sigh Most people are only familiar with the shape theory of painting and not know these reasons, "see the reason those little", it is difficult to discuss with the artist painting the essence.
Ouyang Xiu heavy Italy, Dong Jiyou Shigemasa, emphasizing things that are outside the shape. Ouyang Xiu in the "plate vehicle map" the poem said: "The ancient art form is not intended to paint, Mei Shi Yongwu no hidden reason. Carried away proud to know so few do not see the poetry see, for example if the painting." Painting is not the so-called art form, not do shape, intangible, intended nothing to send, but rather focus on Painting, and can not stay in shape, the voter support, meaning more important than shape. Of course, is still the basis of shape, Ouyang Xiu in the "plate vehicle map" of the poem to describe the wonderful graphics like "love their trees and old stone hard, mountain-loop turn, Gao Xia right and wrong, crossfall excitement, Yan ugly woman or oppose their own state, far and near nothing Jieke identified. "It's all out-like shape of the Miao. The so-called "ancient art form is not intended to paint" word in the old paintings, but Ouyang Xiu trend of the times, or heavier shape, such as the academy on the dominant style, so he would like to take this ancient commandment, the ancient painting is intended only He's an ideal state. Poem called "carried away proud of," Ouyang Xiu expressed on the form to convey his ideas of artistic concepts. "Zhuangzi" There are seeing nothing but words, get the fish forgot to Yanase, says that Wang Bi is something to forget as the words, seeing nothing like the theory of the Tang Dynasty Poetry poetry comments talk about things like the meaning, implication purpose and rhyme outside the taste. Tang Lee Si Zhen Dong on the show said: "The pen shape, painted outside the Heart of Gold", poetry has illocutionary meaning, painting has shaped external conditions, the situation was intended. Zhang Yan Yuan also mentioned that "in addition to the shape of making his paintings," then what is the shape of things outside of it? Is nothing but love and the meaning and rationale. To the Song Dynasty, literati painting that fine Kam wonderful view of the know, most of them advocate carried away proud. If Lee Tian Fu in the yellow off, "Yizhou painting was recorded," the preamble said: "Almost all about art and God will be those few men, but depending on its shape. Qiyun his or hole up in excess of clues, that the pen does not work fine, Fu Bing adorned mining is not that of Korea, insofar as forgetting elephant, meaning the first natural products before they can be painted on the succumbed in the industry, Yi Hua Sheng Yu parties themselves. "clear view of Li Tian is to draw only depending on the shape of the person as a Chu Shi painters, and God will be those who can be compared with those fine Kam. Brush up their delicate shape can not be considered work, and only look at the elephant while forgetting elephant, meaning the first course, in order to really fine Kam painting realm. Ouyang Xiu said, "Mei Shi Yongwu no hidden reason," the plum poem refers to the poems of the poet Mei Sheng Yu, he wrote a poem request "will be able to shape hard to write scenes, such as at present, with endless meaning, found in illocutionary. "("61 Poetry")This is the poetry of the high demands, we must shape is difficult to write scenes, but also with endless meaning, poetry so painting is so, "do not see the poetry see, for example if the painting" shows that poetry and painting to convey his ideas in use form of voter support(Forget the words there are still proud of the poem)Have a common point.
Ouyang Xiu will be shaped, and Italy combined with the painting mood:
Depression, being indifferent to this difficult painting was intended. Draw bidders shall, in relation to those who are not necessarily knowledge. So fly away Chi Su, meaning shallow thing easy to see, while the leisure and Yan Jing, Fun difficult to shape much of the heart. If it is Gaoxia support or oppose, far and near to repeat this work of art painting Dole, non-refined Kam who matter are. [10]
Ouyang Xiu is intended that the visible light thing, his so-called Italian shallow thing, that is, the natural shape of salient objects, such as objects Gaoxia support or oppose, far and near repetition, flew Chi Su, will be the draw on the screen easy to identify, this is only painters should do. Far from the heart of the so-called Fun difficult to shape, that is, the performance of leisure and Yan Jing, depressed mood, or being indifferent to the state, it is not easy, this is difficult painting was intended. Ouyang Xiu's comments painted a very clear tendency to be intended to obtaining the shape of those shallow thing called painting jobs, but will show much interest the heart of being indifferent to those of Italy, known as fine Kam, who grade higher, Painting gesture shape more difficult.
Smaller than that of Ouyang Xiu Su Shi30Years old, is a great writer the Northern Song Dynasty, in poetry, words, Fu, literature, calligraphy and painting are all, and the Yuan Ming and Qing literati painting a significant impact. Su Shi's idea of painting is very rich in his paintings comment on the form, God, Italy, and has also published a number of other issues such as insights. Su Shi's paintings relating to goods and preferred form views on the issue may be subject to the impact of Ouyang Xiu.
Su Shi on "On the paintings in order to shape, seen in children's neighborhood; ... ...," a poem to produce a great impact, it also caused all kinds of misunderstandings that have to get rid of the shape of Su Shi, not the shape, including Chen Shizeng so we all hold this view, Sushi by the literati paintings to illustrate his concept of the literati painting thought, right understanding of Su Shi have biased the Department has pointed out that Mr. Ruanpu.[11] Su Shi's poem the song on the painting "The book painted a thin Yanling Wang broken branches the main two," mainly in the first poem on the painting, while the second focuses on the first assessment of the two thin king master paintings. The first poem is as follows:
On the paintings in order to shape, see the neighbors and children; verse poem must be, will be non-known poet. Poetry and painting of the uniformity and inventions and freshness. Side-luan bird painting, Zhao vivid flowers, where the case 2, with the Qing Yun Shu Dan. Who made a little red, Xie send endless spring.
Su Shi's poem, should be fully understood. Huang Binhong, "Letters of residual draft" will be "On the paintings in order to shape", the words "painting in order to shape", is clearly inappropriate. "On Painting" is that concept paintings paintings paintings to comment on the shape of improper stops and can not be changed to "paint" the shape do not have to. 6 is a poem on the painting before the poetry of the discussions, the theory of painting, or painting materials, concept art only shape as a standard to see whether the object similar to the same picture, this is close to look at the paintings of children, only know that the image and objective look at the paintings in the whether the object is like, but not deep into the painting shown deep into Italian. If only the shape of poetry prevail, rather than seeking outside King intended, then he must also be a people who do not understand the law of poetry. Su Shi's really only Tang and Song Dynasties these ideas on the situation outside of painting, painting outside the purpose and emphasis on poetry and the implication, the art scene outside the interesting point of view further elaboration. "Poems and Paintings of the uniformity and inventions and freshness," is that in writing poetry and painting have in common, that is a natural polish inventions without trace, to a fresh conception of pure art of Lang. After six home side with flower Luan Tang, Song Zhao's painting bird-house, expressive features to set off the main thin Wang 2 Orieda paintings, elegant way, Wang's paintings are the main thin-Luan Zhao better than the side of good what went wrong? "Shudan containing the Qing Yun." Zhao Bian Luan is a sketch of the flower industry a class of small, carefully rigorous, and Wang Bo is the main "Shu Dan" should be a different style, "who made a bit of red, Xie send boundless Spring", is that painting is not the key features many, but to contain a wealth of meaning, which as the Tang Dynasty poet talking about "Buzhao word do too romantic." It is also talking about the situation outside of painting, like the outside Italy. If the concept of painting, confined to the shape on the drawing, it is not available from 1:00 in the red, indicating that the endless Harukage. Su Shi's second poem, then the evaluation of a specific reward for goods king master thin two paintings, we have only the past four "thin bamboo like You Ren, You-Hua, such as a virgin. Low-Ang vine of birds, flowers sway between the rain. "will be able to see Su Shi's method of painting on the painting read, he is thin bamboo painting reminds Youren, from the secluded flower associated with a virgin, bird in the vine head high, shaking ricochet off the vine flower rain, really scene blend of fun too. That said, Shi-Ming SU commentary is more than just the shape of paintings, he draws lessons from the painting's image to associate more meaning and emotion, interest and reasonable. But the thin bamboo secluded painting flowers, birds and still have the shape of features in these two poems we all can not find the shape of the so-called broken, not the shape of argument. A comprehensive understanding of Su Shi's point of view, it should be, he advocated painting comments on the painting can not be limited to the shape, the shape of both the painting is also a commentary on the basic requirements of painting, but a higher Tasting and art criticism should be seen as the outer shape of meaning painting outside the situation, just like a painting "a little red" to grasp the "boundless spring."
In addition, Ouyang Xiu stresses "are not intended to paint the ancient art form," Su Shi's talk "On the paintings in order to shape, see the neighbors and children," not in order to shape theory of painting, which also they are a poet, scholar-related. They frequently subconsciously to poetic art, the spirit will be applied to the evaluation of poetry to painting. China's poem is a lyric poetry, poetics also spoke scenes overtones, as outside the purpose and then, Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi as a reference to this commentary on the painting paintings, are bound to not only be concerned about the shape of the very image of the painting problem , but to go deep into the situation outside of painting, and form outside the complacent. Su Shi, "Postscript Landscape Po Chuan-zheng Yan Gong," said: "Yan Gong pen, aspire has been away from the painters of the degree, derived from the poet's Qingli of it." He Yan Gong painting success comes down to the degree from the painters, poets derived from the Ching. Clearly, Su Shi's poem that the paintings have the mood Ren Zhiqing than Manzhi Seiko small carved figures bear a close resemblance to the painting work, its aesthetic value is higher.
Ming Dong Qichang in the "painting Zhi," said: "There Dongpo poem reads: 'On the painting in order to shape, see neighbors with children, will this poem poetry, will be non-known poets'. I say: 'This Yuan painting.' "Ming Shi Su Song Dong Qichang will work on the painting as a poem commenting on the Yuan Dynasty paintings, as if playing the time difference, the so-called yuan Dong Qichang painting what is it? Ni Zan, who is the so-called "Yat pen hastily, not seek the shape, and talk to write emotional chest." Dong Qichang to Su Shi's "On the paintings in order to shape, see the neighbors with children" also will be attached to not seek the shape, it seems to note yuan painting. Modern Su Shi's poem Chen Shizeng will say yes to "break the shape of the extreme." There is a problem, that is why the Dong Qichang and Chen Shizeng, and others to Su Shi's poem on the painting, distorted was commenting on yuan painting or break the shape of it? Is Su Shi's poem intent of these two that they really do not understand? I think Dong Qichang and Chen Shizeng with personal bias is to read Su Shi, what they need, thus giving rise to this misconception. Dong Qichang advocate of painting the North-South 2, praises Nanzong Wang Wei are speaking, it will be obvious that, in assessing Su Song's paintings are contemporary, and deliberately said to be painted as if, in assessing depression of being indifferent to yuan, Yat pen hastily. Chen Shizeng in the20Beginning of the century the utmost protection of literary impressionistic painting, but oppose Chen Tu Kang negative literati paintings, realistic painting restoration academy argument, so Chen Shizeng from Su Shi's poem, contrived to break the shape of a strong point of view, to impose Su Shi. Indeed Dong Qichang and Chen Shizeng are on the painting by Su Shi's poem for my own use. This shows that, even as the Dong Qichang, Chen Shizeng such a great painter and theorist, if biased, would distort the history of such people like Su Shi's idea of art. So give up prejudice, only may be more fair and accurate grasp of the history of artistic concepts, especially the controversial art of thinking.
Another section of Su Shi's remarks on the concept of literati painting quite remarkable, often quoted, namely, "Ba Song Hanjie painting Mountain" in the paragraph:
Literati painting view of the world, such as reading horse, whichever is emotional by that is if the painting, they may just take spur fur-slot pubescens fodder, non-point-Jun-fat, look at a few Chixu be tired. Hanjie true literati painting.
Song Hanjie that Songjahak room, Sung landscape painters. Su Han-jie's painting that mountain, not tradition but not today, slightly out of new ideas. And that the paintings are genuine scholars Hanjie painting. Watch literati painting is like nine Fang Gao reading the world as horses, whichever is emotional as that of Su Shi's use of "Lie Zi" About nine Fang Gao horses survived by his Hin Mu-Li Huang, whichever is "secret" story as an analogy to illustrate Watch literati painting, like the nine Fang Gao view of the world as horses, not just look at fur Deng Xiang, non-point-Jun-fat, that is, there is no anger, so they look at several feet tired.
Passage from the original intent of view, Su Shi is the appreciation of literati painting, while the painters painting the lower evaluation of why the literati painting gesture painting jobs well? Is the painters just extract the Pixiang, though exterior shape, but the image of the more rigid lethargy, while the emotion of the literati painting was taken to, we often overlook the broad fur, still interesting flavor. Su Shi in this respected literati painting, or stressed that the emphasis on form, he is by his teacher Ouyang Xiu, "the ancient art form is not intended to paint" view of the impact. "Tien Chu exclusive domain" contains poetry and painting on the east slope of the words are: "Good artists are not painting Painting shape, good poems are not intended to Tao Tao name." Su Shi's Poetry, Italian emphasis on the name(Introduction), Su Shi's theory of painting, intended to emphasis on the shape(As)Of course, this not be interpreted as Su Shi or not the shape of the shape of the negative. His music has that kind of arbitrary objects, does not seek the shape of those also have been criticized. East slope of the "net due to hospital painting in mind," said: "Therefore, while the Pirates who can deceive the people who will care on those who have no fixed form." He put those paintings are not allowed to shape the excuse that the objective world, no such regular shape those who practice, known as phony and should be disdain.
The Song dynasty, Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi's paintings comment on the painting of the most important feature is that the Wei and Jin-shaped since the development of monotheism-shaped Italian theory, from a God-shaped development was forgotten as proud. Creation of the intended effect is to enhance the aesthetic subject that strengthened the role of the artist's spirit. The emphasis on the Italian paintings in the Song Dynasty Impact Assessment has been more common. We cite just Guo Ruoxu's "picture seen and heard Chi" will be able to glimpse of Leopard evident. As the Commentary Chen Shi Yan states that he painted bamboo work, vigor vigorous, famous at that time, "each on a high wall of endless Jumbo King, or wind, have great charm." Commentary Qiu Shi Yuan, workers painted buffalo, "the spirit of the shape of , the unique charm. "rating as shown 8 Shinshu" YUAN lying snow map "painted figure turns Lin stone farmhouse, Mibu attained pole," from the bitter cold of those states, meaning, such as health. " Therefore, the "charm" "meaning" and Su Shi's so-called "emotional" are important concepts in evaluation painting and art standards.
Why Song will appear stressed that "intended" in art creation and review of the effects? I would like to have the following main three reasons.
First, Gu Kaizhi to write on the form of God, makes a vivid portrait of, and the eye-dotting ceremony of the theory, mainly refers to the figure painting, he emphasized not only the shape but also expressive, showing the spirit of the characteristics of the object, more than just write that the painting is a graphic Maung, air Chen shape to be much more profound. However, landscape painting began to develop since the Sui and Tang, Five Dynasties and the Song flower has also been developed, although it can be borrowed to evaluate the theory of figure painting vivid vivid flowers and birds, landscapes expressive, but the overall feel that drawing portraits in the tasting language, it is better to use charm, meaning science, conception, conception, business, etc. to comment on. Much wider range of Italian painting in the meaning, like the outside Italy, is the whole picture and the state, not just confined to the vivid portrait, including landscapes, flowers and birds can have conception and the inability to express the problem, stressed the Song Dynasty "meaning" and, it is still painting the inevitable development.
Second, in Gu Kaizhi ago, often painting as a kind objects, Elephant Man, like objects, pictograph, which is still in the initial understanding of the painting. Gu Kaizhi system proposed by expressive theory, understanding the nature of the painting a step further, painting is not only mimic appearance, but also spread the object or a spirited charm. To characterize the object's external image and to convey the unity of the object onto the inner spirit of the performance of the object, giving the performance of the object being to life, vitality and spirit of the glory. However, Gu Kaizhi more of a concern was the performance of the performance of the object how to get the problem, but also insufficient attention will issue a painter's own soul. To the Southern Chen Yao has made the most "heart of nature in" issue, while the Tang Dynasty, Zhang is more clearly stated, "teacher and good fortune, in the very heart source" eight words, the creation of the dialectical relationship between subject and object to be incisive description painting the hearts of the main sources of inspiration, imagination and other spiritual activities are intended to threaded attention, awareness creation in the Communication is a key part of the shape of the bone in the conception of this law will, therefore to the Tang and Song dynasties, the conception, drawing attention to Italy, in fact is the objective in creating an object from the simulations of the performance of the inevitable transformation of the subjective feelings and demands of the product is evidence of attention to the role of creative subjects.
Third, the Tang and Song Dynasty poetry and arts of China's major developments, Poetry, poetry commentary, poetics and further expand, due to my poetry has always paid attention, "Poems," poetry, lyricism and Buesching metaphor practice is the characteristics of Chinese poetry poetry Kam products containing not exactly pay attention to in the illocutionary meaning. Together with Tang and Song dynasties, such as Wang Wei, Su Shi is both a poet and a painter, opened up the borders between poetry and painting, stressing the poem there are portraits, there is poetry, in understanding the art of poetry and painting two fundamental differences between the two post-pay more attention to contact and in common. China's poem re-made blog to convey his ideas, heavy overtones, like outside Italy, this tradition has been a poet Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi's borrowing outside of painting, intended to emphasize the intention of emphasis on form, meaning things like hygiene. Painting is not the so-called art form, whichever is emotional as that is, Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi's Poetry and Aesthetics in the re-concentrated expression of ideas and meaning. Ouyang Xiu and Su Shi's artists do not draw on the form, carried away proud about not seeking the shape of Su Shi, whichever is the emotional thoughts and comments to the drawing point of view, the Yuan Ming and Qing paintings comments and ideas about art produced a great impact, especially in more affected by the literati school of painting. To be sure that the idea of Ouyang Xiu and Su in China after the performance of its aesthetic and artistic painting in the performance of character, have played a significant role.
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