

    我國訓詁專著《廣雅》解釋“畫,類也”。意為繪畫為類似形物。我國最早解釋字義的專著《爾雅》說:“畫,形也。”意為繪畫就是形狀的意思。東漢許慎在所著我國第一部系統地分析字形和考究字源的字書《說文解字》中說:“畫,畛也。象田畛畔,所以畫也”,《說文》的這段對畫的解釋的文字,出自唐代張彥遠的《歷代名畫記·敘畫之源流》,畛,井田間陌也,即田間小路,引申為界限,區分之義,畔,田界。這可否引申為畫即描繪物的形廓。今《說文解字》本,以同治十二年(1873年)陳昌治復據嘉慶十四年(1809年)孫星衍刻字本改刻一篆一行本,對畫的解釋與張彥遠引文不同。今本說:“畫,界也,象田四界,聿,所以畫之,凡畫之屬皆從畫。”[1] 畫就是象田四界,即整齊地畫出物之輪廓,聿為古畫字之上部,即書寫,引申為用筆畫。東漢劉熙撰訓詁書《釋名》說:“畫,掛也。以彩色掛物象也。”為什麽將畫釋為掛呢?是否是用彩色將物象畫成,然後掛起供人觀賞,不得而知。以上對畫的解釋,都同畫物之外形,輪廓有關,畫就是象形、類形,是與造形,賦形不可分的。
    我國繪畫,在古代還和書(文字)、八卦緊密相連,有時被放在一起進行論述。據傳漢代孔安國撰《尚書序》說:“古者伏犧氏之王天下也,始畫八卦,造書契,以代結繩之政,由是文籍生焉。”[2] 伏犧、神農、皇帝之書,謂之三憤,言大道也。少昊顓頊高辛唐虞之書,謂之五典,言常道也。在伏犧統治天下時,就開始畫八卦,造書契,結束結繩記事年代,文籍由此而生。《周易》中所說的“設卦觀象”,八卦用象占蔔,由於八卦是抽象的符號,同時也是一種形象,所以稱八卦為畫八卦,畫八卦對書寫文字也相類似,所以稱畫八卦造書契。書(文字)、畫、八卦都有形可觀,都是直觀的形象,所以它們常常被一起加以論述。書(文字)、畫、八卦都是古代中國人觀察天地事物而後創造出來的,“仰以觀於天文,俯以察於地理”(《周易·系辭上》),觀天察地,“在天成象,在地成形”,也就是觀察天地之象與形。八卦之象,是擬諸形容,象其物宜,八卦是一種抽象化了、符號化了的直觀形象。《周易·系辭上》還說道:





In the pre-Qin to the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties period, as Chinese painting, calligraphy and arts development, Chinese art critics can take place. At the same time, critics began to take shape China's unique terminology and concepts. Such as elephants, meaning the concept is absorbed from the pre-Qin philosophy, to art criticism, during the Wei and Jin to be a further elaboration. The shape, the concept of God, but also through philosophy and Han Dynasties form the basic meaning of monotheism, the conversion to art criticism, so that shaped the concept of God, Northern and Southern Dynasties period to become the most important areas of art criticism. Such as, Italy, shape, God and other critics term as criticism of Chinese art since the basic category system, as critics judge their work and form the spiritual core of the artistic criteria.

Such as, Italy, shape, spirit, art criticism is the most basic areas of the comments in the course of Chinese art has been widely used, and also became the basic concepts of Chinese aesthetics.

The Elephant and the shape is a broad visual image, and it is graphic, image correlation, and therefore the nature and characteristics connected and painting. So, like, and shape has always been used for drawing the first comment.

My Exegesis monograph "Guang Ya" interpretation "of painting, the class of it." Meaning for the painting of similar-shaped objects. China's first monograph to explain the meaning of words, "Er Ya," said: "The painting, shapes too." Intended for the painting is the shape of meaning. Han Xu Shen in the book China's first systematic analysis of the shape and elegant Zi word book "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" and said: "painting, Zhen also. Like Tian Zhen River, so painting", "Wen said," The this interpretation of the text on the painting came from the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Yan Yuan's "narrative paintings of the origins of ancient paintings," Zhen, well field Maek also, that is, field paths, extended the limit to distinguish between meaning, River, Tian sector. This can be extended for the painting that depicts objects shaped profile. This "Explanation" This, to Tongzhi twelve years (1873) Jiaqing fourteen years, according to Chen Chang Zhi-Fu (1809), Sun Xing-yan lettering engraved on a Fragrance of the Reform party to this understanding of artistic interpretation and Zhang Yan is far different from citations. Imamoto said: "The paintings, circles, like the Tin 4 sector, the pen, so painting, where painting is all of a painting." [1] painting is like the Tin four circles, namely, to draw things neatly to the contours of Lut word of the upper part of the old painting, or writing, be extended for the use of strokes. Interpretations of the Eastern Han Liu Xi essays book "Release name" said: "The painting, hanging also. With color is also linked physical image." Why does the picture interpreted as linked? Whether the color will be drawn into a physical image, and then hang for people to watch, is not known. The above interpretation of painting, all art objects of the same shape, outline of the painting is the figure, class shape, with the shape, shaped inseparable.

My paintings, in ancient times also, and books (text), gossip closely linked, and sometimes discussed have been presented together. Han reportedly Kong Anguo essays, "chancery order," said: "The magnitude of the sacrifice to ancient Fu Wang Tianxia also before painting gossip, making the book title deeds to the government on behalf of tie knots, which has Wenji grow wherever." [2] V sacrifice, Shen Nong, the emperor of the book, that of the three anger words Avenue also. Shaohao Zhuanxu Gao Xin Tang Yu's book, that's five Code, the words often Doya. In the V sacrifice the rule of the world, we began to draw gossip, making the book title deeds, ending Jieshengjishi era Wenji for us. "Zhou Yi" in the word "set Gua elephant", gossip with like fortune telling, because gossip is abstract symbols, but also an image, so called for the painting gossip gossip, gossip paintings are also similar to the written word, so that Bagua-made picture books deed. Book (text), art, gossip has a substantial form, is an intuitive image, so they are often together on it. Book (text), paintings, ancient Chinese observation of gossip are things in heaven and earth and then created it, "Yang in order to observe in astronomy and look down to detect the geographic" ( "Book of Changes on the copulative"), Sky Review, the " In Tiancheng elephant, on the ground forming ", that is, the signs of heaven and earth observation and shape. Gossip of the elephant, is intended to describe various, like their material to date, gossip is a kind of abstraction, and symbolic of the visual image. "Zhou Yi copulative on the" also said:

See Naiwei of the elephant-shaped Naiwei of the device, the system will use that of France, the use of access, the people that use it the god of salt. YI lumbered with tai chi, is born astrotech. Astrotech Health four images, four images and Health and gossip, gossip be good or bad fortune, good or bad fortune health cause. Therefore in France as a great peaceful world, a great change in peace 4:00, county (suspended), as a big peace ming MO sun and the moon, noble of great wealth and peace, prepare material Zhiyong, Li Synthesizer that the world benefits, a great peace saints, A Probe Into Suoyin , hook deep-Zhi Yuan to set the world's good or bad fortune, into the world of persons, a great peace Achillea turtle. Therefore in a natural fetish, then the sage. Heaven and earth changes, effect of the saints. Days hanging elephant, see the good or bad fortune, like the saints. River out of tulo a book, while the sage. [3]

The so-called See Naiwei of the elephant, that is, when heaven and earth observation, he saw the image of the heavens and the earth is known as the elephant, that is, law as a great peaceful heaven and earth. Heaven and Earth astrotech Health four images, four images and Health and gossip, gossip be good or bad fortune, good or bad fortune health cause, and gossip related to the cause of the event good or bad fortune. In the above quotation, the "Book of Changes" will be set up Gua elephant with the book, map, and on the three "days of weeping elephant, see the good or bad fortune, like the sage," is that concept of heaven and earth as the saints set gossip, and then said, "River out of map, Luo a book, then the sage, "and that means the illustrations, and calligraphy (text) in the origin of the legend. Zhang Yan Yuan in the "Chronicles painting in mind," also said "the word turtle Xiao-Ling, Lung was treasure", the ancient legend in the V's sacrifice, there appeared the Rabbit from the Yellow River, carrying the "river diagram" (also known as "Dragon trekking map "), another ghost from the Luohe appear, burdened with the" Luo Shu ", V sacrifice the basis of these maps and books, painted gossip, book as" Book of Changes. " In the "Book of Changes, under copulative," also said: "those who package the expense of the ancient clan of Wang Tianxia also, Yang is elephant in the day, overlooking the view of France in the ground and watch birds and animals and earth should the text of the past to take Moromi far come from the objects, so before making the gossip, to pass the gods of Germany, to class all things love. "So the gossip generated, Naishi concept of heaven and earth, as, observing birds and animals of the text, nearly taken from the body, far take the results of various objects.

Han characters scientist by scientist Xu Shen (about 58-147 years) of "Shuo Wen Jie Zi", set the Critical Interpretation of Classical Chinese classics the culmination of research for future generations, the word book writing and editing important basis. In the book preface, he discusses the emergence and development of writing and the close relationship between calligraphy and painting.

Who's the expense of the ancient kitchen Wang Tianxia, Yang is elephant in the day, overlooking the view of France in the ground, depending on the birds of the text and earth should, nearly taken from the body, well come from the objects, so before making the "easy" gossip , to hang like a constitution. And the rule of Shennong tie knots, while the Commission sit, cane industry, its complex, decorated pseudo-initiation. Emperor Shi Cang Jie, see traces of animal hooves Xiang. Known points is reasonable may be relative to other differences also, made the early deed books. Hundreds of hands in order to mow, 10000 products to detect, cover is taken from. Yang, WANG Ting, Yan Wen-ming, were missionaries in the king of the court. So, gentlemen, and Shi Lu Ji also is under Gude.

Cang Jie for the beginning of the book, Guy type figure, so that the text. Then shaped pan benefits, that is, that's the word. Words Ziru word for more than the dip. Forward on Bamboo and Silk that book, the book, such as those who are. As of five emperors of the Three Kings to the World, Gai Yi Shu body, there are 70 hexagrams in Taishan are second-generation, have the same extravagant Yan.

"Zhou Li": the age of eight into the elementary school, Paul teaches the child's first six books in order. The first expression: means something. Refers to those things which may be subject knowledge, observing the visible, is also up and down. Second expression: pictographic. Pictograph who painted their objects, with the body Gu bend, sun and the moon is also. Third expression: shape sound. Sound by the name of shape to do, take metaphor complementary and rivers is also. Si Yue: knowing. Yi than the category of knowing who to see that, Takenobu is also. Wu Yue: turn injection. Note those who turn to build a class and agreed to be compared. Test always has. Liu Yue: under the guise of. Under the guise of those who are no the word, according to sound care trouble, and that is also long. [1]

Xu Shen's inherited the "Book of Changes," saying, kitchen gossip to make sacrifice's yes elephant in the days and watch what law was in the past come from the body, far from taking the results of various objects. Cang Jie-defined characters, depending on type figure, according to the image of all kinds of things, to creation and the original text, "so that the text", the text that pattern to follow, so the first word is shaped pattern, then the combination of shape and sound patterns , "namely, that the word", and then forward on Bamboo and Silk, known as the book. The resulting text is "in accordance with class shape" result. The earliest text is hieroglyphics. Xu Shen said, "Six" that is six kinds of created characters method, the first three that matter, figure, shape sound methods, made, words such as up and down the sun, moon, rivers and so on have a certain relationship with the shape. Pictograph by painting their take things so pictographic character, similar to the picture sketched the outline of an object. This is also the Chinese talk about painting homology basis.

The 20th century, China's ancient writing scientist Donelan, Peking University was set up in 30 years, "Paleography Introduction" course, its script published in 1936. Generally speaking, the first language in the text, the text is written in the language. Donelan that the original Chinese language, single words words and more homonym more than a change in tone, rather than the suffix in the form of joint changes in the nature of this isolated language determines the box type of Chinese characters. Donelan also those who believe that Chinese characters are misguided, extol the benefits of alphabetic writing to challenge the view that the Aryan languages such as Chinese language and is not a way, our ancestors only go just the way it must go. Donelan Commenting that the origin of Chinese characters, said that there was a view that originated in the ancient language of "knot rope-and-rule" the knot of rope, but the so-called theory of tie knots, but to the Warring States Period of the "Zhuangzi" and "copulative" was mentioned, but it is only a guess, tie knots in the text after it, and can not research, so that the text does not necessarily arise from the credibility of tie knots. Another view was that the text resulting from gossip, Donelan view that such far-fetched, because the gossip of abstract symbols is hard to find the source of the text, Donelan also believe that the so-called River tulo book is the source of the text, this is only the Spring and Autumn After a legend, as Changjei made book, Warring States period, when only a legend, Donelan that the text can not be constructed, one person Cang Jie. How was it writing it? Donelan that the text stems from Painting:

Text generation, this is very natural. Paleolithic humans, has been a very beautiful paintings, mostly of animals and human figures, this is the text of the precursor. Painting, or like a deer, others saw the understanding, and text get the same usefulness. But it can not be called "text." Because of this painting, only Compose a beauty, but not to fully demonstrate the author's meaning, if drawing a long story and let the 10 individuals to explain, there may be 10 kinds of views. But in time, in addition to the arts, the other cultures is not that high, so this painting does not progress into painting the text. After a very long period of time, human life into agriculture from hunting animal life and culture in general have great progress, but the art of painting sculpture unexpectedly slipped. However, although the deterioration painting techniques, the scope is wide than before, all you can depict things that have done a painting material. When this time the country had, and all cultures are subject to stimuli more speed progress had gained from the text, the text is the essence of drawings, which represent the language, country produce, many tribal languages, the gradual assimilation, each a graph, are beginning to have a standard pronunciation, so you can record a description of graphics to the story which records are available for reading on a text. [4]

Donelan of this view suggests the relationship between text and painting, writing originated in painting, writing is the essence of drawings, which represent the language. Produced in the early stages of writing, drawing and painting in addition to reading the text or not, the simply can not distinguish between. Later, writing and painting have a greater differences. As the text originated in the painting, so the earliest Chinese pictographic writing, and became an important method was defined in the Private and Zi.

Chinese characters are almost word for word a tone, only a small number of crickets and other word is a word meaning can not be separated from the Chinese written language is not a phonetic system, not multi-syllable, but one syllable, which determines the square Chinese characters block as shape. It is the box-shaped Chinese characters, so there were a contrast, architecture and so on, which has space for each combination of a text, which has a spatial structure of the painting visual features, which makes Chinese characters by means of some method of writing into a Visual formal beauty that is the art of calligraphy is possible. In addition, each word written in a non-fixed, because the technology in various calligraphers different temperament vary, stipple the radical increase or decrease in change, is very flexible, so write the same word, different people can write roughly the same but are subject to change different shape to. This makes Compose written in Chinese characters themselves according to the skills and temperament to be changed, which made Chinese characters by writing into an art form become a real possibility, combined with a brush and painting tool used for writing one of the tools the same brush, so that In the written text, there is the pen force, bone method, hard & soft, light and heavy, slow disease, such as dry wet formal beauty of the factors, which makes Chinese calligraphy into a magical art of the Orient, it has not because it was written specifications and drawings the development of disappeared hand, renovated and became the great Chinese art and culture traditions. Chinese calligraphy writing if there is no separate form, and calligraphers in the prescribed form can have greater freedom of maneuver to re-shape, and have made, shaped by a rich visual form of beauty, as the art of calligraphy and Chinese characters long-term existence is impossible.

Tang Yan-Yuan, "Chronicles painting in mind" "Syria and the origins of painting" to look into the origin of painting that painting homology, are related with the pictographic.

Ordered to be the first deities of ancient seal characters, there are turtles characters Xiao-ling, the dragon was treasure map.

Sui has been out of its nest, there are the Swiss, trace Ying-Yao dispatch peace, peaceful golden books do pass. Kitchen Habitat's hair in the Ying River, books, pictures Meng carry on. Xuanyuan's may, Winlaw, the Cang Jie Shi Huang Yan-like. Kui have, c., the next main rhetoric; Jie has four eyes, weeping like Yang Guan. Li bird turtle because of the tracks, the words of the book gradually given shape. Good luck can not hide their secret, so rain Su; soul can not be lodged in accordance with its strange shape, it is a ghost night crying. Yes, also, painting without points with the body, like the system, but still slightly Chao Chong. No order to pass the Italian, so the books; no set are reflected in its shape, so it is art; heaven and earth sage meaning also. Character studies by the department, its body has six, one, classical, two, odd characters, three, Seal script, four, Sato books, five, Miao Fragrance, six, bird books. In a letter written to side like a bird streamers were the first, then the painting and his ilk are. Yan Guang-lu says: "Figure contains meaning there are three, one-day Dettori, Guaxiang is also, on the 2nd map knowledge, word study is also, third is graphics, painting is also." Zhouguan also teaches the child to six books, the third is figure, then the painting is also intended. Is a refresher different name but the same body painting also. Danger of making peace with the IMC painted, painting-Ming Yan, both on-chang Shi, still deeply than the elephant, so big illustrates Lile, indoctrination by Xing, and it could greet the world so that rule-hwan peace and the word chapters prepared. [5]

Zhang Yan Yuan Although I believe the word tortoise Xiao-Ling, Lung Bao was the legend of the origin point for the painting and the influence of Confucianism is believed to be teaching by fate to be the first memo, but in a specific theory of the origin of the paintings that defined in the Private Cang Jie is the Yang Guan hang like, because of the beauty of bird turtle may be the book traces the word's form, no meaning and therefore have to pass their books in order are reflected in its shape and therefore there is no painting, calligraphy and painting are the words so as to be shaped view of the results of , but also in the ancient painting and calligraphy with the body and synonyms. Therefore, the formation of concept model for the Chinese painting and calligraphy, as the origin of the most important source.

In addition to using elephants, the concept of shape or mold the shape of elephant paintings discuss the ideological sources of the origin of things, in the pre-Qin to Han, Wei and Six Dynasties also use this to comment on art works, such as objects, the shape of the basic criteria for evaluating work.

"Zuo Xuan Gong three years" records, Xi Xia Fang, management ethics, "Forging the tripod like objects, prices are prepared to do this." The late Warring States thinkers Han Fei began to evaluate the difficulty of realistic graphics painting subject. "Han Fei Zi, said outside the reserve left," said:

King Qi Bet passenger and promising artists. King of Qi asked: "Art As everyone who the hardest?" Said: "pleasures hardest." As everyone who are most vulnerable? "Yue: ghost of the most vulnerable." Fu pleasures, people are also known. Danmu exhausted in the former, non-class of, so hard. Ghost, an invisible person, not exhausted in the former, it's also easy.

King of Qi to the artist to explore the issue of difficulty of painting, the painter told him that the painting is difficult and the ghost easy pleasures. Why do I say? Because every day in people's pleasures before the show, people familiar with their physical Zhuangmao painter painting a bit inaccurate, people will see their problems, so difficult to draw. The ghosts that we have not seen anything, so what kind of artist that painted to look like, we will not be picky, it is relatively easier to draw ghosts. Painter to the king of Qi by the difficulty of answering the question of the internal standard is realistic ġ shape, namely, the shape of the problem. Why is it difficult to draw pleasures? It is because people see every day pleasures, artists are not allowed to place a little painting, it is easy to find, so artists must be carefully painted lifelike. In this real shape of a painter works of objective criteria. Han Wang Chong's paintings and articles will be compared to the role of respected articles have is better than precept, while the painting is "purchase of the empty wall, described as a deposit, to persuade those who do not shock, but no words and deeds of people." ( "Lun Heng Do not throughout"), Wang Chong recognition of the role of drawing a graph that is "to describe a deposit", so that people like to see pictures of people painted ancient columns. But does not activities, drawing characters, no words and deeds, so gaps in the indoctrination, "left the text of the ancient Xian." Of course, the characteristics and Wang Chong of the paintings have a certain limited understanding of the role, but he was drawing "to describe a deposit," understanding of the characteristics of is still correct.
To the Eastern Jin Dynasty Gu Kaizhi will be shaped and used in drawing God unify comments, made vivid portrayal in order to form writing God's viewpoint, it can be said to have greatly deepened the form of God theories, and improved standards of art criticism. However, before the Gu Kaizhi has emerged not only limited to the shape of the view, but will combine the spirit of the shape and internal assessment of the role of painting.
It should mention "Zhuangzi" in the law of your days are really thinking:

Qiaoran Confucius said: "Could I ask what the truth?" Guest said: "real person, sincere matter to have. Is not fine is not sincere, not moving. So strong though sad not feel sad for those who laugh; strong anger while not Viagra Yan; strong pro-who Although laughter discord. really sad silent and sad, I really anger has yet to issue the Viagra, I really did not laugh and instead pro. true, including those who, God moving on the outside, is so expensive is also true. ... ... ceremony, who is also the laity ; real person, and therefore also in the days, nature is not easy to have. so sage observing law of naturalness and cherishing truth

, the informality in the vulgar. "[6]



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